Senior Citizens 4 Tips

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Senior Citizens 4 Tips

Four Effective Ways to Improve Mental Health of Senior Citizens   

The senior citizens are an important asset to the society and the country as a whole. But, unfortunately, many times their contribution remains unrecognized and even forgotten. They are left uncared for, which tells upon their health. It is our imperative duty to do our needful towards the senior citizens so that they can lead a life of honor and dignity.

Here are four tips on how the senior citizens can improve their mental health and live a meaningful life. 

  1.  Making Friends

When people become old aka senior citizens, they undergo visible physiological and psychological changes. In many cases, they become lonely and quiet. They are reluctant to attend parties or social gatherings or even see their friends.

As they are on their retirement, they do not have much work to do on a regular basis or come across colleagues, friends and people in general.

In this case you can arrange events for them and give them opportunities see their familiar faces and talk about their past days. Moreover, clubs can be opened for them so that they can easily visit them and stay active.

You can plan things which may be hitherto unknown to them, like learning a new language. Furthermore, you can also arrange classes namely on cooking, baking, etc.

  • Boosting Cognitive Health

It is true that a person at his old age may find both his physical health and brain losing strength.

At this stage they need attention and special care of their near and dear ones.  Games, like puzzles, crosswords, chess, etc. which are very helpful for stimulating brain can be provided for the senior citizens. 

For adding energy to their body and improving brain function, different kinds of nuts and seeds and other foods should be provided for them. 

  • Getting Exercise

Any kind of physical activity is good for both body and mind. A walk in open air can boost one’s mental health tremendously.  We see a lot of elderly people, both male and female, walking along the walkways by the Dhanmondi Lake. Some of them are seen practicing Yogas as well. Same kind of scenes you will witness at various other places, namely Gulshan, Baridhara, Banani, Uttara, etc.

If the senior citizens do not feel like going outside, they can be encouraged to take up gardening at their own houses. You can tell them to take exercise regularly and make it a part of their daily routine. Even sporting events which may suit them can also be arranged at different times.

  • Consulting a Therapist

You will be surprised to learn that most of the mental health issues of the senior citizens can be managed through lifestyle changes. Spending time in the sunlight, taking regular physical exercise and keeping a check on their nutrition and food habits can also be ensured for them. You can provide them with supplements of Vitamin B12 and Omega 3. 

If a senior citizen is faced with any kind of mental disorder he should be properly looked after. A qualified and experienced therapist should be appointed so that the senior citizens can consult with him whenever they feel it necessary.

Our expert team of Psycoach is always available. They will learn about your challenges and come up with effective advice.

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